Tea Time

Ayy it’s time to learn about different types of tea & what they can do for you!! WOOHOO 

I’ve got a list of about ten (common) teas that you can fall back on when you need some help in life.  & this shit can get confusing so now you’ll know what to reach for when you’re staring at 64 different teas…


  • digestion!!!!!! YAY POOPING & NOT FEELING CRAMPY
  • helps with anti-inflammatory needs
  • bonus points if you use it with tumeric


  • more digestion!!!!!! mint helps in the earlier stages, when your food is still in your belly & may be upsetting it
  • refreshing as heck
  • according to Starbucks- not a real tea (if anyone understand this pls help idgi)


  • better article: what DOESNT green tea do?
  • caffeine, aka energy, but not so much it’ll effect any anxiety or sleeping difficulties
  • free radical exterminator to the extreme 
  • aids in fat burning (if you’re into that)

Raspberry Leaf

  • *men keep reading lolzzzzz im about to mention p*riods!!! haha!* omg why do people do this in articles
  • helps with typical menstruation woes & pain (as if existing isn’t enough pain)
  • antioXidants!! free radical exterminator!!!


  • health. literally. that’s it. 
  • drink this tea in nearly excessive amounts if you’re starting to get sick 

Dandelion Root

  • cleansing!! not the kind that comes with poop tho
  • helps your liver (which works extremely hard btw) detox from all the junk you give it


  • energy boost without caffeine
  • more antioxidants/free radical fighting
  • helps with inflammation from menstruation, bloating, stress (blood pressure increase & water retention)

Passion Flower* (READ THE ASTERICK) 

  • anxietTy- extreme calming effects 
  • promotes relaxing & maybe sleep depending on how anxious you are (can make you groggy the next day)**

Lemon Balm 

  • gives you a calming effect (not as potent as Passion Flower)
  • tastes delicious

This really only a surface read into the world of teas. There are a TON of other teas that can give you lots of great benefits. Being that there are so many, this may be a good place to start if you’re a bit lost. 

Enjoy 🙂

* – be VERY careful with this tea!! It’s a powerful little herb, so it won’t do good things for everyone. Try a small amount at first to see how your mind accustoms itself to the calming effects. Do this by ‘diluting’ the tea- use more water than the brewing instructions call for & don’t let it steep as long. 

** – thank you to my sister KG for sharing this feedback with me & letting me pass along the knowledge

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